Defending the virtues of liberty, free markets, and civilization... plus some commentary on the passing scene.

Freedom's Fidelity

Friday, May 05, 2006

Friday Funnies

Almost forgot about this one. My girlfriend pointed it out to me, from last Saturday's Chicago Tribune. It's a scene right out of The Office except for it isn't.

FRESNO, CALIFORNIA -- A jury awarded $500,000 Friday to a woman who was spanked in front of her colleagues in what her employer called a camaraderie-building exercise.

The jury of six men and six women found that Janet Orlando was subjected to sexual harassment and sexual battery when she was paddled two years ago at Alarm One Inc., a home security company in Fresno.

The jury, however, said that Orlando did not suffer from sexual assault as she alleged. Orlando had asked for at least $1.2 million.

Orlando quit in 2004, saying she was humiliated during camaraderie-building exercises.

Losers in the competition were required to wear diapers and spanked with a rival alarm company's yard signs, according to court documents.


I don't know if I am more amused by the absurd creativity of the act - a spanking, in diapers, with a rival companies yard sign! - or by the casual manner in which the employer seriously considered this a 'camaraderie-building exercise.' As though companies all across America engage in similar team building events.

Almost as absurd as a terrorist mastermind caught on video, decked out in his New Balance shoes, bumbling around with a machine gun he can't fire.


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