Defending the virtues of liberty, free markets, and civilization... plus some commentary on the passing scene.
Freedom's Fidelity
Wednesday, March 08, 2006
Tour of Torture
Michael Totten continues his remarkable independent reporting from Iraq, this time he'll take you on a cerebral tour (with pictures) of one of Saddam's former torture chambers through what must be one of the darkest places humanity has ever created. Included are translations of what child prisoners carved into the walls during their final hours before execution.
10,725 people died in the building and all during torture - official executions took place at Abu Ghraib.
Be sure to hit Totten's tip jar, this is all self-financed.
If you want to travel back in time, and see the real thing, well, you can do that too. These video clips are very violent and incredibly disturbing, they are what Saddam's Iraq actually looked like. Follow this link to the 4 videos, they'll take a couple minutes to load.
The daily partisan warfare (Bush Lied!) that goes on is almost embarrassing when weighed against the above. It's really nothing more than transitory noise in the historical struggle towards universal human freedom. Do you want to see rule by gang violence driven from the face of the earth?
Or is it too expensive?